"Some people think modern on our Up North landscape is long overdue. Others? Not so sure. Let us know what you think in the comment box following this article on The Chameleon House—a pivotal modern design by the renown West Coast firm Anderson Anderson Architects.
A stern wind blows across Lake Michigan as Sue and Dan Brondyk battle spotted knapweed on the hillside alongside their vacation home. They yank the pest out by its non-native roots, hoping to restore the meadow on their one-acre lot disturbed during construction four years ago. “We’re trying to let the hill go back to its natural state,” Sue says. “We want to make it look like the house was just dropped in here.”
Flanked by cherry orchards and with a full view of Lake Michigan, this rural stretch of M-22 is no place for a tame lawn, the Brondyks decided when they bought the Leelanau County property 10 years ago. Not that they were ever much interested in a suburban look. Aficionados of the hip and smart Dwell magazine, the Brondyks like their architecture edgy and environmentally responsible. Dan, especially, is intrigued by the attention to detail he sees in buildings in Asia, where he travels periodically on business."
Read full article on MyNorth.com
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