Precision Plumbing & Heating
Traverse City, MI 231.947.0100

Building a better community because we care.

At Precision, we actively support non-profit organizations and events that make such a difference in our community. Every month, we donate $1,000 to a local charity or cause based on nominations we receive from customers and people throughout our area.

 To submit a nomination, please complete the form below. Every month, the Precision team carefully reviews the submissions we receive to select a recipient. Follow us on Facebook and Instagram to view the winners on a monthly basis.  THE MORE NOMINATIONS THE BETTER! Encourage your friends and family to fill out a nomination and submit.  It's that easy!

 NOTE: If we are unable to determine the authenticity of the entry, we will have to disallow the nomination.  Nominations must be for organizations located in the local, five county area (Grand Traverse, Leelanau, Benzie, Antrim & Kalkaska counties).

 Nominate a charity or cause today!



Serving You Since 2000Call For Your Free Estimate Today


2829 Cass Road
Traverse City, MI 49684

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